First HouseCalls Quarterly Session

March 15, 2010

Join GreenHomeNYC as we relaunch our HouseCalls program on Wednesday, March 24th at 7pm with a special expanded version of our normal HouseCalls presentation. This in-depth session will provide an introduction to the concepts and strategies that can make your building more economically efficient and environmentally friendly. Our presentation will highlight the key economic and environmental issues that New York City multi-family residential buildings face. These include the first steps that coops and condos can undertake to go green, including energy audits, green building improvements, financing and technical tips. The presentation will be followed by an extended Q&A session with GreenHomeNYC.

We think that our upcoming presentation on March 24th at 7pm will be helpful to buildings wanting to undertake green improvements and is an opportunity to compare notes with other coop and condo board members who are doing the same. RSVP after the break for this free event. The event will be held at the GreenHomeNYC’ downtown Manhattan office at 76 Beaver Street, 15th floor.
