NYC Green Building Events

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Climate Conversations: Why the UN’s Climate Summit is Important to All of Us

September 17, 2014 7:00 - 8:30 pm
  • Where: Church of the Holy Trinity, Draesel Hall (Western end of church complex) 316 East 88 Street (1st / 2nd Ave.) New York, NY
  • Hosted by:
  • Go to event website »
Thousands of concerned citizens from all over the world will be joining UN delegates and other leaders in New York this September at the UN’s Climate Summit, for discussions on finalizing a climate treaty with binding limits on carbon emissions.   Join us for a panel discussion that explores the reasons why we should care about a successful Climate Summit, for our economy, our community and the generations that follow us.  Scheduled panelists, and their discussion topics, are: Lisa DiCaprio, New York University & the Sierra Club: What is the current status of climate negotiations? Yvonne O’Neal, UN Commission on Sustainability:  What should we expect from the UN’s Climate Summit? Philip Orton, Stevens Institute & NYC Panel on Climate Change: How will climate change impact New York City and the surrounding region? Beth Ackerman, Riverside Church Beloved Earth Community & GreenFaith Fellow:  What is the role of faith communities in organizing for a sustainable future? Panelists will be happy to answer your questions following their presentations.  Refreshments will be served!   Note that this event is being held in conjunction with the People’s Climate March in Manhattan on Sunday, Sept. 21.  For more information about the march and how to get involved, see here:

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