Tag: urban-heat-island

July 14, 2020

Monthly Forum: Urban Heat Island and COVID-19 – A Perfect Storm?

Summer in the City: Urban Heat Island, Environmental Justice and Covid 19– a Perfect Storm?

  Temperatures this summer are rising to uncomfortable levels.  But what policies are in place to assist people who are confined to small, crowded apartments, with inadequate ventilation and no air conditioning —or unaffordable air conditioning—in the case of a heat wave?   What are the environmental justice issues that should be considered, since traditional practices like opening community centers and shelters may be contraindicated in the era of Covid? What populations are being disproportionately affected by urban heat and climate change?   Please join Adriana Espinoza, Senior Advisor for Environmental Justice, NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate Policy and Programs, who will speak about environmental justice from a macro level, and how systemic inequality and environmental racism has created the disparities that exists in the City today. She will also discuss how the City plans to better incorporate equity and EJ into the city climate decision-making.   To dive deeper into the conversation, Mike Harrington, Assistant Director of the Tishman Environment and Design Center, will speak about the historical inequalities of urban heat island impacts on communities and some possible solutions from a policy and design perspective. He will also share some of the lessons learned from personal experience and the recently released “Turning the Heat” report that he co-authored as part of the Urban Design Forum’s Forefront Fellowship.   Sonal Jessel, Policy & Advocacy Coordinator at WE ACT for Environmental Justice, will discuss what makes extreme heat a public health issue, why there are inequities in impact, and how communities cope. She will also highlight particular challenges that exist for vulnerable populations this summer due to COVID-19.  

Here is the Link to register:


  Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Place: Online   REGISTER HERE!         (more…)

August 31, 2008

August 2008: Stormwater Infrastructure — Policy, Research, and Practice

The Green Building Forum is held on the third Wednesday of each month (except December) @6:30 PM and features presentations by green building practitioners followed by discussion. The events are always free and open to the general public. Wednesday, Aug 20, 2008 Reception: 6:00pm (refreshments courtesy of Hafele Americas) Presentation 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Hafele Showroom at Madison Square Park (25 E. 26th St.) The August 20th forum presented by GreenHomeNYC will focus on water issues in New York City, such as stormwater run-off and combined sewer overflows. NYC’s leading umbrella organization on stormwater infrastructure, S.W.I.M., will frame the discussion with an overview of water issues, followed by a more detailed review of Local Law 5 of 2008 and the green roof tax abatement. Local Law 5 requires the City to adopt a stormwater management plan by the end of the calendar year. The green roof tax abatement, also known as SO7553, passed the State Assembly and Senate in June 2008. It provides for an abatement of $4.50 per square foot, up to $100,000. Following the review of these legislative changes, EDAW’s Ecological Design division will present on their cutting edge research and design endeavors in the metro area. AIA Continuing Education Credits will be available for this session. The forum presenters will be representatives of NRDC, Sustainable South Bronx, and EDAW. Session Objectives: To understand key stormwater infrastructure issues facing NYC, including policy preventing or supporting best management practices. To understand Local Law 5 of 2008, which requires the City of New York to approve a stormwater management plan by the end of the year; particularly to review the technical requirements to be included in the plan. To understand the Green Roof Tax Abatement passed by the NY State legislature in June 2008, in particular the definition of green roof, the amount of the abatement, the requirements to obtaining the abatement. To engage in discussion and review of cutting-edge urban experimental ecology research. To broaden understanding of stormwater infrastructure issues such as stormwater run-off coefficients, green intensive and green extensive roofs, blue roofs, tree pits, combined sewer overflows, etc.