NYC Green Building Events
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Star Garment Innovation Center: Tropical, Commercial, and Passive
March 5, 2019 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Join BE-Ex on March 5th for the presentation and discussion of a highly unique project that brings Passive House to South Asia. While much Passive House activity is focused on the new construction of residential buildings in cold-temperate climates, the Starr Innovation Center successfully utilizes the Passive House standard on the renovation of a mixed industrial-commercial building in a tropical climate.
The first Passive House certified project in South Asia and one of only two factories certified in the world, the Starr Innovation Center combines a garment manufacturing facility and offices within a highly efficient envelope that reduces total energy by 70% and dehumidification energy by 90%. Completed in 2018, the building offers highly improved working conditions including far superior air quality, consistent temperatures, and access to daylight throughout.
This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the application of Passive House to a rare typology in a rare climate with the principal members of the project team, Jordan Parnass of Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture and Lois Arena of Steven Winter Associates.
Learn more in this video created by JPDA:
Jordan Parnass, Principal, Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture
Lois Arena, Director, Passive House Services, Steven Winter Associates
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