NYC Green Building Events

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GEA National Geothermal Summit

June 26, 2013 6pm
  • Where: Grand Sierra Resort & Casino 2500 E. 2nd Street Reno, Nev.
  • Hosted by: Geothermal Energy Association
  • Go to event website »
The Geothermal Energy Association will host the third annual National Geothermal Summit, in alliance with the Geothermal Resources Council and UC Davis’ California Geothermal Energy Collaborative, at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in Reno, Nev., from June 26-27.   The event will bring together industry leaders, government officials, and other power sector representatives from the United States and abroad for critical discussions on what is needed to move geothermal forward.   The event will cover the state of geothermal energy, new technologies, valuing geothermal for PPAs, and the future outlook for the geothermal industry. The program will encourage interaction and discussion about government policies, projects in development, market potential, and opportunities for U.S. companies.

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