NYC Green Building Events

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{Green Careers} November 2013 meeting: Speed Up-Dating for Your Resume

November 5, 2013 6:30 to 8:00 with networking afterwards
  • Where: Urban Assembly for Green Careers 145 West 84th Street, 1st Floor, Rm 108T New York, New York, 10024
  • Hosted by: Urban Assembly for Green Careers
  • Go to event website »
If you weren’t able to attend September’s Green Careers Resume Workshop, you’re in luck because we’re doing it again! Come to the November meeting where we’ll have critics available to give input on your resume. We’ll break into small groups with a critic leading the review of each person’s resume. After a set amount of time, you’ll move on to a new critic.    The goal is to have your resume evaluated by different people and for you to walk away with constructive feedback on how to make your resume better.   Everyone who attends the meeting will need to:      1) be prompt! We’ll begin at 6:30.      2) have hard copies of your resume for review.      3) be prepared to discuss your resume and contribute to the evaluation of others’.   Date:  Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Time:  6:30pm – 8:00pm with networking afterwards Place: Urban Assembly for Green Careers, 1st Floor, Rm 108T             145 West 84th Street, New York, New York, 10024   RSVP HERE!   If you have any questions, please contact Katie Schwamb: [email protected].

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