Green Careers
April 20, 2015
Welcome to GreenHomeNYC Green Careers!
The GreenHomeNYC Green Careers group provides informational resources and networking for emerging and transitioning professionals seeking careers in the growing fields of energy efficiency, sustainability and green technology. Learn where and how to pursue these new opportunities by attending presentations from government, business, non-profits, and research and development experts, as well as job-search workshops with career development professionals. Connect more informally in person and online to share resources with other members of the green professions community.
To find out more, attend our monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, and join us for informal networking afterwards.
2023 Green Careers Meet-Ups
(information is subject to change)
February 7 – Non-STEM Careers in Sustainability
April 10 – Resume Workshop
June 12 – Vocational Careers
August 14 – Climate Policy
Green Career Volunteer OpportunitiesYou can also apply your skills and build your credibility by becoming a GreenhomeNYC Green Careers volunteer. GreenHomeNYC’s programs are organized and managed by our dedicated staff volunteers. We have no full-time paid staff, so we value your creativity as well as your time and commitment. Here’s how you can help:
Day-of Volunteers: Assist at the event, helping with set-up, break-down, signing in guests and making sure each event runs smoothly.
Speaker Recruitment: Select and recruit speakers with support from the planning committee.
MC of the Event: Be the face of the event to the audience, handle introduction and closing of the event, and facilitate transitions, Q&A and panel discussions.
Marketing Volunteers: Help spread the word about the events on social media, sustainability event calendars and email lists.
Photography: Take pictures for the recap and for promotion of the Green Careers group on our website. Photo credits will be included.
If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved in the Green Careers group, send us an email at [email protected].
* In addition to Green Careers positions, we have a variety of other volunteer opportunities. If you’re interested in becoming a GreenHomeNYC volunteer, please attend one of our new volunteer orientations held on the last Tuesday of each month, and find out how you can contribute. Visit the Volunteer page for more information on how to join our volunteer staff.