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February 10, 2013

Queens Botanical Garden Visitor Administration Building

The Queens Botanical Garden (QBG) will complete the first phase of its master plan, the Sustainable Landscapes and Buildings Project, in Fall 2009. The mandate for capital development at QBG is to demonstrate environmental stewardship, promote sustainability and celebrate cultural connections.

The Sustainable Landscapes and Buildings Project includes the LEED Platinum rated Visitor& Administration Building, a Horticulture/Maintenance facility, sustainable landscapes, and a new Parking Garden currently under construction. The Visitor & Administration Center is a High Performance Building demonstration project for New York City’s Office of Sustainable Design at the Department of Design and Construction. The Visitor Center captures the sun’s energy with photovoltaic panels, collects and reuses rainwater, recycles gray water, utilizes geothermal energy for heating and cooling, manages 100% storm water on-site, mitigates urban heat island effect with a 3,000 sq ft green roof, houses composting toilets, and incorporates over 800 native plant species to create a sustainable landscape that is representative of New York regional habitats.

The Garden has partnered with Columbia University’s Center for Climate Systems Research to monitor its green roof, and make comparisons to temperatures of black and white roofs on site. Live data from the Garden’s photovoltaics and green roof is available through the Garden’s website. The Garden is currently in construction to create a new parking garden that will continue to manage 100 % storm water through a system of swales, permeable paving and native plants.

Please see for more information.