NYC Green Building Events
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BUILDING ENERGY 13 Conference + Trade Show for Renewable Energy and Green Building Professionals
March 6, 2013 All Day
Where: Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd Boston, MA
Hosted by: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
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BuildingEnergy (BE) is the most established and most cross-disciplinary renewable energy and high performance building conference in the region. Organized by members of the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association, it brings together more than 4000 renewable energy and green building professionals from across the US and Europe for three days of networking, 80 accredited educational sessions and a high-level trade show.
Why Attend BuildingEnergy?
Network with industry leaders.Make business-to-business connections as well as grow your client base.
Learn about new techniques and new technologies at over 80 conference sessions and workshops.
Earn your professional credits in highly engaging multi-disciplinary sessions.
Meet like-minded individuals, share information and sharpen your whole-systems-thinking skills.
BuildingEnergy Attendee Breakdown
51% Building professionals (architects, engineers, builders, planners, contractors, facility managers, developers and designers)
23% Energy and environmental professionals
15% Educators, homeowners, students and non-profit organizations
11% Government, investing, media, marketing, real estate and health care
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