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Financing an Equitable and Resilient Future
November 19, 2013 8:00 AM - 12:45 PM
Where: New York City Bar Association
42 W. 44th Street
New York, NY
Hosted by: New York City Bar Association
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This conference, sponsored by Pratt’s Programs for Sustainable Development and Planning, The New York City Bar Association, and Better, Inc., will explore innovative mechanisms for financing the social, economic and infrastructure needs to address climate change. The conference will feature panel discussions on recent innovative financing instruments including a discussion on housing and community building efforts focused on meeting the needs of low-income communities and communities of color affected by Sandy, as well as, how investment instruments can be negotiated to serve a variety interests in advancing an Equitable and Resilient Future for New York.
8:15 – 8:30
Coffee and registration
8:30 – 8:45
Welcome + Statement of goals of the conference
Stephen Kass, Chair, City Bar Task Force on Climate Adaptation
Ron Shiffman, Director, Pratt Institute’s “Recovery, Adaptation, Mitigation and Planning” [RAMP] Initiative
Bettina Damiani, Good Jobs New York
8:45 – 9:45
A Framework for Social Inclusion, Resiliency Planning and Transparency
Moderator, Ron Shiffman
Maya Wiley, The Center for Social Inclusion
Duzan Doepel, Professor of Sustainable Architecture and Urban Planning at the Knowledge Sustainable Solutions, RDM Campus
Bomee Jung, Deputy Director, New York Office Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
9:45 – 11:15
Innovative Finance Alternatives: High and Low Finance for Urban Resiliency
Moderator, Jesse M. Keenan, Research Director, Center for Urban Real Estate, Columbia University
Chuck Laven, Forsythe Partners
James Parrot, Fiscal Policy Institute
Richard Roberts, Red Stone
Wallace Tuberville, Demos Fellow
Marcel Ham, Rebel, NL BE INternational
Larry Sprague, Sustainable Energy Funding Program
Chris Lotspeich, Celtic Energy
11:15 – 11:25
11:25 -12:30
Housing and Infrastructure: Resiliency and Equity
Moderator, Michelle de la Uz, FAC,
Donald Manning, Jewish Association Serving the Aging
Donna Colonna, Services for the UnderServed
Rob Conboy, Better, Inc
12:30 – 12:45 Wrap Up and Next Steps
Stephen Kass, Chair, City Bar Task Force on Climate Adaptation
Sponsored by:
The Center for Social Inclusion
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
NYC Environmental Justice Alliance
Good Jobs New York
RAMP [Recovery, Adaptation, Mitigation, and Planning]
Fiscal Policy Institute
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