NYC Green Building Events
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How To Go Zero Waste & Live More Sustainably: A Workshop
September 4, 2019 6:30 PM
Have you heard of “zero waste,” but have no idea where and how that would fit into your life? Does the thought of living more sustainably and going “plastic-free” feel overwhelming?
This workshop, featuring zero-waste practitioner and content creator Nicole Grossberg, is for anyone who wants to be more sustainable, eco-friendly and consume less as a human. If you’ve given up plastic straws and carry a reusable water bottle but don’t really know what else to do, this is the workshop for you!
Learn how to avoid single-use plastic, cut down on food waste, and where and how to shop in New York City. Nicole is here to give you all the facts and tips, tricks, and hacks you need to get closer to a zero-waste way of life!
Wine and snacks will be provided. 🙂
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