NYC Green Building Events

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Let’s Be Prepared For All Eventualities

July 17, 2013 7:00 pm
  • Where: Location to be announced
  • Hosted by: Council of New York Cooperatives & Condominiums
  • Go to event website »
Vandalism, natural disasters, fire, mechanical failures, sick or injured residents, acts of terror. Today’s co-op and condo boards and the professionals who work with them, must consider these eventualities (and more!) as they prepare to cope as swiftly, smoothly and efficiently with whatever problems may befall their community.   Advance planning will include adequate insurance coverage, carefully laid plans, and good communication to residents, encouraging them to make their own family plans for emergencies. Property manager Steven Greenberg and Board President Mary Fischer will lead a discussion designed to help you expand and perfect the contingency planning in place in your building.   There is no cost for CNYC members to attend this class, but advanced registration is required. Others are welcome at a fee of $50 if paid in advance. Reserve your place online or call 212 496-7400. To pay at the door, reserve your place and add a $15 surcharge.  

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