NYC Green Building Events

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Monthly Forum: How Has Covid-19 Impacted Energy Use?

April 21, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

When COVID-19 hit, the virus not only infected our bodies, but also our homes. Our kitchens, bedrooms, even bathrooms became office spaces as people had to suddenly cram both work and leisure into the same place. This change drastically altered the distribution of energy usage across the city (and the world) as office buildings emptied and people were confined to their homes.


Meanwhile, as businesses plan the return to centralized or hybrid operation, they are forced to consider their approach. In a world of increased consciousness about airborne particles, workplaces must be equipped with a means to sanitize spaces and filter circulated air. Additionally, to achieve the ‘new normal’, office spaces should incorporate smart monitoring of energy consumption.


How has the shift in working patterns affected energy consumption? How will the return to offices look? What adjustments will need to be made to accommodate the ‘new normal’? These questions will be discussed by our panelists of industry experts on the frontier of these issues.

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