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September Forum: Special Environmental Forum on the 2018 Elections
September 20, 2018 6:30-8:00 PM
This year’s elections will be key in determining the fate of environmental and climate change policy, and New Yorkers will have a lot to weigh in on. The NY State Attorney General’s race could even impact nation-wide policy. In what could be a pivotal election year, it’s crucial that we become educated voters before we head to the polls in November.
Join GreenHomeNYC, the New York League of Conservation Voters, and WE ACT for Environmental Justice on September 20th for an election-focused environmental forum.
Learn about:
The results of the September 13th New York State primaries
Which offices are up for election and who is running in November
Where all the candidates stand on the environment
Environmental legislation that is before the New York City Council and New York State Legislature
How YOU can get involved in local environmental justice initiatives=
Our Speakers:
The New York League of Conservation Voters is the only statewide environmental organization in New York that fights for clean water, clean air, renewable energy and open space through political action. We’re non-partisan, pragmatic and effective.
Josh Klainberg, Senior Vice President and key member of the League endorsement committee, will review the winners of New York primaries, and share their stances on environmental issues.
Pat McClellan, New York State Policy Director, will shed light on environmental policy and explain how the League works with the NYS legislature in Albany to advance environmental legislation.
Adriana Espinoza, NYC Program Director, will discuss key NYC races and provide information about NYC grass roots organizations that are engaging communities in environmental issues.
WE ACT is a community-based environmental justice organization headquartered in Northern Manhattan with a federal policy office in Washington, DC. Our mission is to build healthy communities by ensuring that people of color and/or low-income residents participate meaningfully in the creation of sound and fair environmental health and protection policies and practices.
Cecil Corbin-Mark, WE ACT’s Deputy Director & Director of Policy Initiatives, will discuss some of the environmental justice projects and policies the organization is pursuing.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-partisan educational event. Any fees associated with the event go to the GreenHomeNYC operating budget, and will not be used to support any political party or candidate.
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