NYC Green Building Events

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Solarizing NYC’s Public Housing

January 23, 2018 9:00am The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has set a goal to install 25 MW of solar capacity on its properties by 2025 to fulfill its NextGeneration Sustainability Agenda and as part of HUD’s Renew300 program. This is the single largest goal for a multi-family housing owner in the U.S. and will be met through two community shared solar programs: the Commercial Solar Initiative and the Public Purpose Shared Solar Program.   The Commercial Solar Initiative, which will offer sites suitable for 40 kW or larger installations, will help developers install solar projects on NYCHA’s largest roofs and parking lots. The first Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued in October 2017 and several other rounds of RFPs will be issued in the years to come, to scale up solar installations throughout the portfolio. In concert with the Commercial Solar Initiative, NYCHA will make smaller sites available to non-profits, community groups, and local renewable energy start-ups through the Public Purpose Shared Solar Program.   Join the Building Energy Exchange for a panel discussion on NYCHA’s ambitious goal and learn about how assistance from CUNY and the Fund for Public Housing has made these community shared solar programs possible.   MODERATOR Benjamin Mandel, NYC MOS SPEAKERS Daphne Boret-Camguilhem, NYCHA Rasmia Kirmani-Frye, Fund for Public Housing Tria Case, Esq., CUNY

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