NYC Green Building Events
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The Dark Side of Light – A Symposium Examining Light Pollution and the Many Issues Surrounding Over-Illumination
November 12, 2015 9:00 - 10:30 AM
In overlit cities and suburbs throughout the world, it has become nearly impossible to see the natural light of stars due to the flood of artificial light emanating from homes, buildings, outdoor advertisements, and street lamps.
Join the Building Energy Exchange for a symposium examining light pollution and the many issues surrounding over-illumination.
Though easy to address in most situations, light pollution remains largely unchecked, with dire consequences for human health and well-being, the natural functioning of ecosystems, and energy conservation. Both humans and animals rely on the natural processes of light and darkness for healthy functioning, yet when the night sky is unnaturally and perpetually aglow, circadian rhythms are interrupted. And the energy costs to society for having artificial lights glaring 24/7 has become unsupportable. The recent implementation of energy-saving outdoor lighting (such as the LED street light program in NYC) is reducing energy use but may not be adequately addressing human health and light pollution issues.
Jason Neches, Director, L’Observatoire International
Fred Maxik, Chief Technology Officer & Founding Member, Lighting Science Group
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