October 19, 2005
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:00-9:00pm
Location: Glucksman Ireland House, One Washington Mews, NYC
Speaker: Dan Miner, Post Carbon Institute, Local Chapter Coordinator; Long Island City Business Development Corporation, Senior Vice President
Hurricanes Katrina & Rita have wreaked havoc on oil refineries and have significantly curtailed the production and supply of oil in America. Americans are beginning to realize that non-renewable fossil fuels like oil are, indeed, exhaustible. Once they are depleted, they are gone forever.
Oil is a staple for survival in our modern society, yet it is an increasingly rare commodity. Oil is not only a source for transportation fuel; it is a key ingredient in pesticides, fertilizers, and necessary
for the production of plastic. It is in the car we drive, in the clothes we wear, in the pen we write with. How will the lack of oil affect our oil-reliant modern society? Will we develop more sustainable forms of energy production? Join GreenHomeNYC in an open discussion about how green energy will play a vital part in shaping our society in the years to come.