July 5, 2009
We’re always happy to help journalists writing about green buildings and energy efficiency in New York. Often, we can arrange interviews and site visits, not only with the
people involved in GreenHomeNYC, but also with some of the leaders in the New York green building community.
We are best at connecting you with folks working on community-oriented projects like green affordable housing and small buildings, and showing you a broad swath of what’s going on in New York’s green building scene beyond the iconic projects that you’ve already heard about (plus, those big swanky high-rise commercial projects have their own PR departments so you don’t need us!)
Please keep in mind:
GreenHomeNYC is an all-volunteer organization — the more lead time you give us, the more we can do to help!
Please respect the time of interviewees (arrive on time)!
Please let us know when/where your story will be published or air.
If you plan to take video footage, please plan to send us a copy so we can share it with the interviewees.
Send press inquiries to press AT greenhomenyc DOT org.
GreenHomeNYC press clippings