November 23, 2015
By Thomas Storck
October’s Green Careers meet-up featured three sustainability leaders whose careers ranged from medicine to equipment manufacturing to government. Each professional, who spoke at this year’s
NESEA Building Energy NYC conference shared inspiring information about their work and career histories, and weighed in on career advice for those who want to pursue sustainability careers.
Photo credit: Samantha Yost
March 11, 2014
by Andy Padian, GreenHomeNYC Board member
Having been a religious attendee of BE conferences for most of the last 20 years, and having no expectations of what I would get out of this year except for networking, I can report unconditionally that this is the best conference I have ever been to, and that is saying something.
I attended an excellent session on heat pump technology, human building interaction, and the connection in buildings (and the world) between water and energy. I also sat in on another really good session about energy usage and savings data on over 1,000,000 homes. Staggering. Fun. Mind blowing.
However, the most important thing I saw this year was the great number of young and emerging professionals that are everywhere, and are in everyone’s face. Lots of questions, lots of looking for their first or next job, lots of needs for their summer internship, lots of people under the age of 30 presenting about their data, their research, and their clean tech start-up sell. . .Read more
Some of them are incredibly bright stars, and of course, there was the elevator pitch from the 20-something clean tech person who left an audience blank faced as no one could understand what his product was and/or what he was selling. Ooops.