September 2, 2016
by Megan Nordgrén
As New York City’s public school students get back to the classroom on Sept. 8, students in 100 of these schools will see some changes to how they dispose of their waste. Included in a pilot program, these newly-designated Zero Waste Schools are being set up as models for recycling and organics collection. The goal is to identify best practices for diverting waste from landfills so that the lessons learned can be brought to other schools throughout the city. Schools were selected in Brooklyn and Manhattan, based upon existing Department of Sanitation (DSNY) collection routes. These Zero Waste Schools are receiving new recycling bins and signage, but also outreach, education and technical support to increase the rates of recycling. The Program is one of eight Zero Waste Initiatives outlined in Mayor de Blasio’s April 2015 One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City.
September 2, 2013
Countdown to BE NYC!
With only
days until the conference, GreenHomeNYC is shining the spotlight on the experts who will be making the BE NYC an exceptional industry event!
One of the professionals participating in the conference is
Samantha Schoenberger.
Ms. Schoenberger, LEED AP, BPI MFBA, is the Real Estate Facilities Manager for
Selfhelp Community Services. An extremely intelligent and driven young woman, Samantha grew up modestly in Newburgh, NY. Having wanted to be an architect from the age of seven, she received a Bachelor’s of Science in Architectural Engineering from
Alfred State College of Technology in 2007. Samantha has worked since she was fourteen; her experience more recently includes positions at
Habitat for Humanity NYC, Enterprise Community Partners, and an architecture firm. She loves drawing and is an avid runner who is currently training for her seventh half-marathon. Ms. Schoenberger was a presenter at last year’s
NESEA conference in New York City, a speaker on tenant outreach at the Supportive Housing Network of New York (
SHNNY) Managing Lean and Green Program, and a panel participant on Construction Management Training at Enterprise Community Partners.
Samantha is the co-chair for the Multifamily Track of BuildingEnergy NYC 2013.