Tag: recycled-materials

September 11, 2014

September ’14 Green Building Tour: Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility


invites you to join us on September 30th as we explore

Sims Municipal Recycling’s Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility!

  2014-05-15 11.03.56 Sims Municipal Recycling’s (SMR) processes all of NYC’s residential and institutional metal, glass and plastic recyclables, as well as half of the City’s paper.  The new facility has a Recycling Education Center, where New Yorkers are encouraged to come see how recycling happens in NYC. The bright colors and interactive exhibits will engage younger visitors, and detailed information about their processing equipment and business strategy will spark questions for adults.   When: Tuesday September 30, 2014 6:30pm-8:00pm. Where: 472 Second Avenue (NOT Street) Brooklyn, NY 11232.   2014-05-15 10.59.32 The visit will start with introductory presentation and videos that will illustrate what happens after recyclables are put into the recycling bin.  Visitors will then have some time to explore the interactive exhibits that detail the sorting operations. The tour continues onto the catwalk that oversees huge piles of recyclables and the operating equipment. As a member of the green economy, the Sims site also features a large solar panel installation, habitat mitigation through artificial reefs, native plantings, and fuzzy rope nets to encourage growth of filter feeders along the pier. Sims hopes that a visit to the recycling facility will forever change visitors’ perception of what it means to throw something “away.”   Space is limited – Register Today!    

February 6, 2009

Sources for IEQ-friendly Carpets?

I am building a holistic medical clinic on Long Island and am interested in putting in green/environmental commercial carpets in my treatment room areas. I was wondering if you had any referrals as to where I can purchase these carpets. I am having a hard time finding any companies in New York that sell them. – Pina Thanks Pina. One question that you might ask is “do I really need carpet?”. Carpets trap dust and can help promote persistence of allergens in a room, so many green builders & standards recommend that you use a sustainable, non-vinyl floor covering with a low-VOC adhesive & finish instead of putting down carpet. (more…)