Josh Radoff

August 30, 2008

Founding director Josh Radoff is the co-founder and Principal of YRG sustainability consultants ( — focusing on green building consulting, corporate sustainability, greenhouse gas management, and sustainability education — with offices in New York, Boulder, Chicago, and Seattle. In previous lives, Josh has worked as an energy and climate consultant for firms like PA Consulting, the Center for Clean Air Policy, and SAIC. Josh has also published several freelance articles on green building and the environment and is a regular speaker and all-around know-it-all at conferences, community groups, and university classes on topics ranging from green building and green living, climate change, and the sustainability movement. He holds Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Sustainable Energy, from Columbia University and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Josh lives in Boulder, CO with his twin toddlers Henry and Clementine. Staff Volunteer 2002, Board Member 2003-2007