BPI Multifamily Building Analyst Training Course – Starts this Thursday in Manhattan
April 23, 2013
Presented by Get the BPI Certification you need, and still get to work! If you have an interest in multifamily buildings, you’ll definitely be interested in signing up for GreenHomeNYC’s Multifamily Building Analyst Training Course, starting this Thursday in Manhattan. This course offering is intended to give you a thorough training experience and still keep your day job.Quick Facts
What: Multifamily Building Analyst Course Where: Upper West Side of Manhattan (precise location disclosed to paid registrants) When: Thursday evenings, April 25 – June 20, from 6pm to 9pm Cost: $850; includes 175 pages of electronic material and all course powerpoints. Discounts available for GreenHomeNYC and NESEA members Accreditation: AIA pending; optional BPI Certification Exam available for an additional $350 Course schedule overview: April 25 Intro to Multifamily Building Efficiency; Fuel Analysis May 2 Building Science, Combustion Science, Combustion Chemistry May 9 Central Heating Plants: Steam and Hydronic Boilers May 16 Central vs. Non-Central Heating of MF Buildings; Building Envelope May 23 Health and Safety May 30 Water and Domestic Hot Water June 6 Lighting, Appliances, other Electric June 13 Psychology: Owner-Tenant-Cooperator-Maintenance Issues June 20 The Walkthrough: What Do We Need to Record and Look at The course instructors are crazy – crazy about multifamily buildings and energy. Led by F.L. Andrew Padian and several other worthy instructors, you’ll get access to their extensive experience. Whether your background is in energy auditing, real estate development or building management, you will benefit greatly from both the course content and networking opportunities. The course begins this Thursday night. Are you in?