Bring Poop to the Block Party — Donate on ioby!

August 3, 2011

This October 1, GreenHomeNYC is bringing The NEW New York Green Block Party to Williamsburg. Last year in Gowanus we had many great local community groups join us. This year we hope to bring even more but we need some help to do so. Some of the organizations we are excited about bringing can’t afford our $175 vendor fee. This is where you come in: donate on our project page on! We have selected 6 totally rad groups and need to raise just over $1,000 so they can all participate. The orgs are: – Borough Bees (beekeeping! honey!) – Adopt-a-Farmbox (builds farmbeds for local schools and communities to grow fruit in the city) – Sustainable Flatbush (promotes innovative energy practices and streets that prioritize people over cars) – The Center for Health, Environment & Justice (mentors for environmental justice school by school, neighborhood by neighborhood) – Bio Bus (an old schoolbus retrofit with cutting edge green technologies to educate kids) – And last but not least: The Poop Project (advocates against dumping sewage into rivers, lakes and streams, and to talking about poop) If you don’t know ioby, which stands for “in our back yard”, they are a microfinance website for community environmental action in NYC. They help groups and individuals raise donations for discrete projects. Any amount from a couple of bucks to thousands of dollars can be donated. Helen Ho and Erin Barnes from ioby have been participating on the steering committee for The NEW New York — we are really excited about working with them! Thanks ioby!