November 30, 2016
Green Careers provides informational resources and networking opportunities for emerging and transitioning professionals seeking careers in the fields of energy efficiency, sustainability and green technology.
Learn where and how to pursue these opportunities through presentations by government, business, non-profit, and research and development experts, as well as job-search workshops with career development professionals. Our events are held on the second Tuesday of each month and are followed by informal networking.
A special thanks goes out to those of you who participated in our planning workshop for 2017. We received some very useful input on the challenges and opportunities you face in your career development and job searches, and heard a lot of great ideas for program topics and formats. We look forward to incorporating this feedback into our upcoming programming and invite you to join us in volunteering for 2017.
Our first event of the new year will take place on January 10, 2017, so be sure to mark your calendars. We hope you’ll help us create another year of informative activities.
For more information about volunteering,
[email protected]