January 25, 2010
We’re gearing up for our 8th year of Green Building Monthly Forums!
The Green Building Forum is held on the third Wednesday of each month (except December) at 6:30 PM and features presentations by green building practitioners followed by discussion. The events are always free and open to the general public.
The 2010 dates and topics are listed below. We’re continuing the tradition of mixing in case-studies of green building with discussions around policy and how-to’s.
Mark your calendars and check the
events calendar for details & venues!
January 21: Showcase: Green Building Materials Catwalk
February 17: Women In Sustainability
March 17: Stormwater
April 21: Green Tax Abatements
May 19: Patty Noonan Memorial Policy Round Table
June 16: Darkening the Skyline
July 21: Renewable Energy
August 18: Working with Contractors
September 15: Eco-Newark, NJ
October 20: Weatherization/Energy Conservation
November 17: Big Green Projects