January 10, 2017
Join us for our annual kick-start to the New Year!
Happy New Year from the Monthly Forums Group! Once again, we’ll be bringing you a whole new lineup of interesting topics, and January brings you the annual Green Catwalk, featuring a multitude of hot topics for 2017.
Join us to hear current updates and “green” news for the year from different key players and organizations in NYC. Reserve your seat now and check our website for updates.
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Place: Fujitsu General America, 1450 Broadway, 42nd Floor New York, NY
RSVP here!
Our speakers will include:
Duncan Prahl RA, AIA., Sr. Research Architect, speaking on building the first LEED Platinum Home in Saudi Arabia
Tom Sahagian, Independent Energy-Efficiency Consultant, speaking on How to acheive 80×50 and how you can help with basic energy-efficiency research
Matthew Caruso, Sustainble South Bronx, speaking on the energy efficiency program they run through NYSERDA
Richard Gerbe, CEO, HighMark, speaking on how energy efficiency supports renewable energy, in relation to demand management for buildings in NYC.
Daniel Paschell, Analyst, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, speaking on ways to transform transport culture and prioritize people and the environment instead of the movement of cars.
Bill Oberkehr, NY State Solar Ombudsman, speaking on the Shared Solar NYC program.
Gabe Landes, Program Manager, Sustainable CUNY, speaking on the Solarize NYC Program.