Thanks for another great GreenHomeNYC year!

December 18, 2019

Thanks to the support of our tireless volunteers, brilliant speakers, generous venue hosts and outreach partners, GreenHomeNYC is proud to look back on another year of great programming. We presented over 20 events on topics ranging from sustainable fashion and transportation to climate change policy, waste, and the nexus of water and energy. Here are just a few highlights:


On April 18, 2019, New York City passed the groundbreaking Climate Mobilization Act, which significantly limits carbon emissions in buildings and mandates increased renewable energy systems and generation. The new legislation stands to change the entire way the city operates in the coming years.


The centerpiece of the legislation is Local Law 97, which compels medium-to-large building owners to reduce emissions by around 40% by 2030.

  Our Monthly Forum, The Heart of the NYC Green New Deal LL97  brought together a panel of experts from NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, Urban Green Council, and CUNY Building Performance Lab to demystify this new law and introduce plans for its implementation. GreenHomeNYC Green Careers presented two programs focusing on careers in key fields that stand to change and grow in the new green economy: government and energy efficiency operations.  Speakers from a number of NYC agencies offered advice for breaking into government and policy, and experts ranging from a mechanical engineer to a load management specialist offered insights into opportunities in the diverse energy efficiency job market. GreenHomeNYC Green Building Tours celebrated Earth Day at the facilities of Pvilion, a company that designs and manufactures flexible PV solar structures and products, ranging from charging stations to solar-powered curtains, building facades and clothing.


New Yorks trash management and recycling programs are gaining sophistication and traction. The state’s single-use plastic bag ban will go into effect in March 2020, and more residents are signing on for the city’s organics collection program.  In 2019, GreenHomeNYC brought you an insider’s look at the city’s recycling operations and the people who make it all happen.

  GreenHomeNYC Green Building Tours escorted groups to the Lower East Side Ecology Center, which houses one of the city’s oldest composting programs. Our Monthly Forum hosted a conversation on the partnership between the NYC Department of Sanitation and the Simms Municipal Recycling Facility, followed by a GreenHomeNYC Tour of Simms. GreenHomeNYC Green Careers hosted experts in food waste, solid waste and recycling in our Careers in Waste Management and Reduction event.  

2020 promises to be another exciting year. We hope you’ll join us as we look at smart technologies, New York’s burgeoning bicycle culture, battery storage, sustainable agriculture, the circular economy and much more.  


Not part of the GreenHomeNYC Community yet? 

  Build your skills, enhance your credibility, and grow your network by becoming a GreenHomeNYC volunteer.   We need volunteers for: Planning, outreach, and follow-up for our Monthly Forums, Green Careers, and Green Building Tours events Writing, photography and graphic design for our blog, newsletter, website, and educational materials Social media outreach and videography  

Sign Up Here!


GreenHomeNYC is a fully volunteer-run organization. All contributions go directly to our operations budget.


We wish you a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
