October 2, 2013
Tickets are going fast
Here is your chance to to visit a varied collection of NYC buildings and green sites to learn about
energy efficiency and
sustainable building methods from the pros.
You will experience firsthand the inner workings and design details, as well as the challenges and accomplishments that were faced by the professionals involved with these projects.
This year’s event features: Living Building design, passive homes, wind turbines, geo-thermal pumps, blackwater treatment systems, solar PV transport hubs, e-waste recycling plants, affordable housing retrofits, community gardens, LEED commercial interiors, and more!
When: This Saturday, October 5th between 10AM and 3PM
How Long: Tours typically last about one hour unless otherwise noted
How Much: Varies per tour
How Many: Seven, so mix and match!
Bright’N Green – A Net Zero Energy Multi-family Building
When: 10:00 AM & 2:00 PM (two tours)
Where: Brighton Beach, Brooklyn
Stillwell Terminal Train Shed – Greening the City’s Public Transit System
When:12:00 PM
Where: Coney Island, Brooklyn
Lower East Side Ecology Center – E-waste Recycling Center
When: 10:00 AM
Where: Brooklyn
Westbeth – A Sustainable Home to the Arts
When: 12:00 PM
Where: Manhattan, West Side
NRDC’s LEED Platinum Commercial Interiors – High-Efficiency, Cost-Effective Building Design
When: 2:00 PM
Where: Manhattan, Flatiron District
MiMA Tower & Clinton Community Garden – A Very Green Westside Story
When: 9:00 – 12:00 PM (Building tour and garden tour)
Where: Manhattan, West Side
The Solaire, Liberty Lux and Liberty Green – Luxury Meets Sustainability in Battery Park City
When: 1:00 – 3:00 PM (three buildings)
Location: Manhattan, Battery Park City
Sign up today right HERE