March 30, 2011
Tracy Fitz of the New York Solar Energy Society and John Burke of the Maine Solar Energy Society are teaming up again this April 30, to host a repeat of their successful seminar on how to construct a photovoltaic solar panel. Learn the fundamentals of photovoltaic power in this hands on workshop hosted by City Solar and The Commons in Brooklyn. The workshop will be held at 388 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. Registration is $125 and space is limited. For more info on this event, contact City Solar at 347-254-0019 or
[email protected].
June 8, 2010
GreenHomeNYC board member
Alison Novak reflects on behavior and green buildings.
Recently I’ve been hearing too much of the same depressing argument: we can’t solve climate change through technology alone but the masses of consumers won’t alter their behavior until there is a direct economic cost to them, such as vastly higher fuel costs. Then I was fortunate enough to attend the latest of the Garrison Institute’s “Climate, Buildings and Behavior” conferences (a GreenHomeNYC Partner-in-Practice was also in attendance, Miquela Craytor, representing Sustainable South Bronx). Re-examining the tenets of neoclassical economics in light of data provided to us by behavioral economics and neuroeconomics, gave me a glimpse of an alternate way of looking at the problem of getting people to change how they live without waiting for dire circumstances.
June 2, 2006
The Green Building Forum is held on the
third Wednesday of each month (except December) @6:30 PM and features presentations by green building
practitioners followed by discussion. The events are always free and open to the general public.
Please join us for our next monthly forum,
New Technologies in Water Efficiency
In June, GreenHomeNYC will zero in on water conservation. If you would like to learn how to minimize water usage at home, would like to get the
scoop on water conserving incentive programs, or find out how appliances and fixtures can aid in reducing water consumption…don’t miss this month’s forum.
Warren C. Liebold
Director, Technical Services/Conservation Bureau of Customer Service
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Andy Padian
Senior Housing Specialist
Steven Winter & Associates
Where: Paley Room,
Municipal Arts Society, 457 Madison Avenue
When: Wednesday, June 21st, 6:30 – 8:00