Tag: green-careers

September 6, 2024

Green Careers – LinkedIn Profile & Elevator Pitch Workshop

Green Careers – LinkedIn Profile & Elevator Pitch Workshop

Join GreenHomeNYC Green Careers group in an IN-PERSON LinkedIn Profile & Elevator Pitch workshop! During timed sessions with green career professionals, you’ll receive constructive, personalized feedback on how to present your skills and experience so you take your professional networking to the next level!

We’ll kick off the workshop with a short presentation on best practices for building an impactful LinkedIn Profile and your own elevator pitch. Then attendees will be paired with different reviewers throughout the evening — think of it as speed dating but for professional development — where you’ll be able to review your LinkedIn profile and practice your personal elevator pitch.

Sign up today to secure your spot for the resume workshop. Limited tickets available.

Date: Tuesday, September 10th

Time: 6:15PM – 8:00PM

Location: Fujitsu AirStage, 1450 Broadway, 42nd floor, New York, NY 10018


For the Workshop, attendees should:

Make sure you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile for review. Come prepared to do your elevator pitch and contribute to evaluating others. Be prompt! The event starts at 6:30 pm so be sure to arrive early!

NOTE: Doors open at 6:15pm. To respect the time of our reviewers and guests, the workshop will begin promptly at 6:30pm. Networking Happy Hour after the event so please stick around! If you have any questions, please contact the GreenHomeNYC Green Careers group at [email protected].

October 7, 2023

6 Questions With an Energy Efficiency Expert

Tom Sahagian is working on new products that could help advance electrification in more buildings. 

What is your current work?

These days I mostly work for New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and Columbia University.  My NYCHA title is Temporary Employee, which is not particularly revealing; my CU title is Lecturer, Masters of Sustainability program, School of Professional Studies.

It may sound odd to say so, but the work the sustainability group at NYCHA is doing is cutting-edge and very exciting.  We’re partway through the testing phase of a window-based heat pump product that exists because NYCHA challenged the industry to develop it.  If these new heat pumps perform the way we hope they will, it will not only be a boon to NYCHA and other public housing authorities looking to electrify, but we believe it will also offer a lower-cost alternative to market rate buildings as well. 


April 9, 2023

Green Careers – Resume Workshop

Join GreenHomeNYC Careers group on April 11th for an IN-PERSON resume workshop. During timed sessions with green career professionals, you’ll receive constructive, personalized feedback on how to present your skills and experience so you get the attention of employers and land the job you want!

Resume reviewers with be paired with attendees throughout the evening–think of it as speed dating but for resume-reviewing.

Sign up today to secure your spot for the resume workshop. Limited spots available.



August 8, 2021

Monthly Forum: Dirty Energy Around the World

With the international emphasis on electrification, we must focus on the amount of electricity that is being generated by renewables rather than carbon based fuels. In all but one state in the US (and in much of the EU), there are not as many renewables as hoped in the energy mix. (Watch the recording of this forum on our Youtube channel!)


December 29, 2020

Job Market Outlook: Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Business, Circular Economy

By Pamela Berns In 2020, the triple bottom line—people, planet, profits—took on a whole new meaning. The number of lives lost to COVID-19 continues to grow into the new year. Environmental regulation rollbacks under the Trump administration and the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement put the planet on even greater climate risk trajectory than before. Job losses and business failures altered the economy in ways that economists say may take years to fix. According to Fast Company, as of May, 2020, 33 million Americans had filed for unemployment; while some jobs might come back, new ones will need to be created to replace those that didn’t  survive. While, sadly, we will never recoup the lives lost and upended by the pandemic, there is a way forward toward a reciprocal recovery for all of the three Ps. “One of the best ways to add new jobs,” said Fast Company, is to “invest in green infrastructure.” (more…)

August 7, 2020

Do the Math: Green Careers in Finance

Speaker Profile of EnterSolar’s Zaira Akhmedova
   By Pamela Berns   Seven seems to be an auspicious number for Zaira Akhmedova. Her professional journey spanned seven years as she made her way from a degree in finance and accounting to her current position as Financial Strategy Manager at EnterSolar, one of the largest commercial solar developers in the U.S. And it was her trip around the world—a seven-month sabbatical from work—that solidified her commitment to a career in renewable energy. (more…)

January 27, 2020

GreenHomeNYC Careers Recap: Careers in the New Green Economy — Government Edition

By Jonathan Oriondo     On October 29th, GreenHomeNYC convened a panel discussion on sustainability careers in government, a field that promises change and growth in the new green economy. In New York in particular, breakthrough climate legislation is not just leading the way to a carbon neutral city; as our speakers demonstrated, it is also leading to innovative and meaningful careers.   (more…)

January 6, 2020

Green Careers: Corporate Social Responsibility Panel Discussion

Join us for our first 2020 Green Careers meeting for a panel discussion + Q&A with individuals who work in corporate social responsibility.   Corporate social responsibility (CSR), is how companies pursue sustainability goals, give back to their local communities, and make general efforts to improve society via the lens of business. This is your opportunity to ask the professionals about their career history and how you too could possibly transition your career into related work. Informal networking will follow at a local venue.   Speakers include:  Judy Albert – The New School Julie Jack – APCO Worldwide Ashley Hartman – Verisk   (more…)

July 31, 2019

Green Careers Recap: Career Opportunities in Waste Reduction and Management

By Tamanna Mohapatra   Photo by Kenton Archer   On July 9th, 2019, GreenHomeNYC hosted a panel discussion on careers in waste management. Our three panelists engaged the audience with inspiring stories about their career paths, and offered insights into this growing and varied field. They also shared great career tips with the diverse group of participants.   (more…)

May 9, 2019

Green Careers: Sustainable Career Tracks: Non-Profit Edition

Interested in the Sustainability Non-Profit Sector? Join us for a panel on Non-Profits!

When sustainability challenges fall outside the domain of market solutions, who is there to provide redress? Non-profits can satisfy energy and environmental problems of great import that financial interest may ignore. Come learn lessons from professionals experienced in navigating careers in the sustainability non-profit sector.   Date: May 14th, 2019 Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm with networking afterwards Location: BrightPower, Flr 21, 11 Hanover Square, New York NY 10005 Speakers: Danielle Bissett – Billion Oyster Project Adam Romano – AEE Irene Nielson – NRDC  Note: To respect the time of our speakers and guests, the event will start promptly at 6:30. Register Here!