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GreenHomeNYC is collecting detailed profiles of green buildings across the city. Information about buildings is submitted by owners, developers and managers, who also write the descriptions. If you have information on a building, please add it to the database.
GreenHomeNYC is collecting detailed profiles of green buildings across the city. Information about buildings is submitted by owners, developers and managers, who also write the descriptions. If you have information on a building, please add it to the database.
Center for the Urban Environment (BCUE)
A Green Community Facility Building in Brooklyn, NY.- 168 7th St.
- Brooklyn
- NY
- 11213
- Map
- 1. Water savings of 30% from typical construction
2. Met LEED low VOC standards for all materials and adhesives and paints
3. Zero formaldehyde present in all materials
4. Achieved 90% diversion of waste from landfill
5. Achieved 30% recycled content of materials
6. over 50% of wood from salvaged sources
7. energy efficient lighting scheme with occupant sensors
8. bicycle parking provided for more than 15% of occupants
9. educational outreach program setup so the space can act as a living museum to visitors about the process of creating sustainable heathly work places.
10. reuse of existing warehouse building and its structure
- Construction year
- 2008
- Size in sq. ft.
- 14000
- No. floors
- 2
- Certification
- LEED Registered/Certified